Welcome to Bluegrass Bracing Pediatrics!


We want to thank you for entrusting us with your child’s orthotic needs. Our goal is to provide orthotic care which will help each child to improve function, prevent deformity and facilitate future development. Our staff will utilize a team approach, which will include your child’s physician and therapist, to ensure your child receives the best quality orthotic care available.

Our pediatric specialist is Gabriel Beversluis, CO, LO. Gabriel is an American Board Certified and Kentucky licensed orthotist with 16 years of specialized pediatric experience treating children with neuromuscular and orthopedic conditions. Gabriel has extensive experience helping children with conditions such as: paralysis and muscle weakness, spasticity (hypertonicity), low-tone (hypotonicity), contractures, range of motion limitations and scoliosis. During his career, Gabriel has developed numerous advancements in the pediatric O & P field that has lead to improved patient comfort, compliance and improved correction of bony deformities.

Gabriel’s expertise includes precise problem-solving skills that bring a fresh perspective to common challenges faced by pediatric patients and their families. Gabriel will meet with each patient and family to perform an evaluation, discuss bracing options and answer any questions you have regarding your child’s orthotic treatment.  He will also work diligently to improve brace comfort and prevent the possibility of skin breakdown.

We are happy to work with the following manufacturers: