Boxed Example

[vcex_icon_box style=”one” icon_color=”#3b86b0″ icon_size=”24px” heading=”Free Updates & Support” heading_type=”h2″ url_target=”_blank” icon=”refresh” heading_size=”16px” url=”” url_rel=”nofollow”]No wonder people love Total. We provide you with a clean and well coded theme plus the support you deserve.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”one” icon_color=”#3b86b0″ icon_size=”24px” heading=”Highly Customizable” heading_type=”h2″ url_target=”_blank” icon=”star” heading_size=”16px” url=”” url_rel=”nofollow”]Total was developed with child theming in mind, but there are also tons of built-in options for customizing it.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”one” icon_color=”#3b86b0″ icon_size=”24px” heading=”Drag & Drop” heading_type=”h2″ url_target=”_blank” icon=”bars” url=”” url_rel=”nofollow”]Total comes with an easy drag and drop editor  via the Visual Composer making it easy to setup new sites in no time![/vcex_icon_box]

Recent Work

Create UNLIMITED portfolios and showcase them ANYWHERE

[vcex_spacing size=”40px”][vcex_portfolio_grid order=”DESC” orderby=”date” columns=”4″ posts_per_page=”8″ pagination=”false” grid_style=”fit-columns” filter=”true” img_width=”500″ img_height=”400″ img_filter=”none” thumb_link=”post” img_overlay_disable=”yes” title=”false” title_link=”post” excerpt=”false” read_more=”false” img_hover_style=”grow” center_filter=”yes” overlay_style=”view-lightbox-buttons-text”]

[font_awesome icon=”bolt” size=”24px” margin_bottom=”20″ color=”000″]

Drag & Drop Page Builder

Create pages with ease using the Visual Composer Drag & Drop page builder.
Add portfolios, testimonials, images, sliders and so much more anywhere you want!

[vcex_spacing size=”25px”]

Choose Total

Don’t settle for any theme for your Website, Total is the best choice
& you can buy it today at an affordable price!

[vcex_spacing size=”40px”][vcex_button url=”” title=”Purchase Total” style=”flat” align=”center” color=”blue” size=”small” font_size=”14px” font_weight=”normal” target=”blank” rel=”none”]Purchase Total[/vcex_button]

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