David Burns, BOCO, LO, C.Ped.

David PortraitPractice Areas:
Foot and Ankle Bracing
Diabetic Footwear and Orthotics
Spinal Fracture Bracing
Orthopedic Trauma Bracing
Post-Operative Bracing
Compression Garments
Continuous Passive Motion Machines

ABC Pedorthist 2005, #CPed1970
BOC Orthotist 2012, C49693

Kentucky Licensed Orthotist 2013, #LO189

Shelby County High School, Shelbyville, KY, 1991
Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, 2005

Year of Hire: 2010

Profile: I am a Kentucky born and bred resident. I have helped thousands of patients improve their lives by reducing pain and helping them recover from injuries and accidents. I enjoy spending my free time hiking and backpacking in the southern Appalachian Mountains. I am also a competition target shooter and usually carry a concealed weapon.